Београд (Beograd)



This city scattered on the hills and tucked away at the point where the rivers Sava and Danube meet, and has grown into a metropolis of eclectic interest. Belgrade hides so much, a wilderness with its own charm.

What is special in this city is the feeling of welcome and acceptance (despite the nationalist messages posted all over the city), little things that can delight me so much. People love going out and getting together, they live for those moments. In fact, when someone mentions Belgrade, fun and party is my first association. Spending the night in Belgrade is irreplaceable and a must.

It made the biggest impression on me during the spring, at the time when the linden blossoms. That smell has penetrated the streets of the city so much that it is one of the main elements of Belgrade that I remember.


I hope you like this little diary I put together to share my time adventuring around Belgrade. If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends.  ♥︎ Unta

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