Λάρνακα (Larnaca)



January is often depressing month, but not for me. My birthday is in January and a period of the year when I usually chase real dopamine somewhere else, plenty of sunlight by the sea. In Cyprus there are up to 340 sunny days a year and its climate is considered to be one of the healthiest in the world.

Larnaca, small city on the south coast is best known for its beaches. As soon as we arrived, I felt the sea atmosphere of the place, even before reaching the beach. The wind was blowing, and particles of sea salt were in the air. We passed through the streets of the city, the sound of waves and seagulls drew us to the beach. Music to my ears. Away from it all I found myself surrounded by the wild coastlines connecting to the sea, to the wind, the sun-setting.

We decided to watch the sunset at the Salt lake, the natural scenery was breathtaking and it’s hard to believe that we were so close to the city. The Salt lake fills with water during the winter season and is visited by flocks of flamingoes who stay there from November until the end of March.

When the sun hid behind the horizon it became quite cold, and it was time for delicious meal. The next day we continued exploring the coast around Larnaca, driving towards Limassol. The rocky cost is amazing, but slippery. I slipped and fell, I laughed so much that it definitely increased my dopamine level.

I hope you like this little photo diary I put together to share my time adventuring around Larnaca. Let me know if you have visited Cyprus and how did you like it. If anyone has any feedback I’d be so appreciative to receive your comments and questions below. ♥︎ Unta

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