


Someone once told me to resist Paris in the spring.

Paris in December, January, February and March, when I experienced it, doesn’t seem like the greatest idea. Short and cold winter days, frequent rain had effect on the overall mood. I looked forward to those rare moments when a ray of sunshine would appear for a short time and pretended to warm me.

Despite choosing a bad time periods to visit this city, one thing is certain. Paris is beautiful. Our first encounter was 15 years ago. I didn’t bother to see everything, I knew I would come back. And I did, not just once. There is still a lot to discover, so I will hopefully visit Paris again. Even now, just thinking about onion soup in small Parisian bistros makes me want to buy a plane ticket.

I hope you like this little diary I put together to share my time adventuring around Paris. If you enjoyed this article, share it with your friends.  ♥︎ Unta

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